GAL Polar-Flex Gloves XL

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Our best winter glove! The soft, acrylic lining is comfortable and warm, and the triple-dipped PVC coating remains flexible, even at cold temperatures. Polar-Flex gloves remain effective to 4 degrees farenheit.

Your hands won't tire wearing Polar-Flex gloves, like they can when wearing other stiff, bulky styles. Stay warm and dry, and keep working comfortably in cold winter weather. 


  • Gloves are 12" long for full wrist coverage.
  • Triple dipped in specially formulated PVC that stays flexible in low temperatures.
  • Sandy finish provides enhanced grip even in wet conditions.
  • Acrylic fleece liner for warmth and comfort.
  • Gauntlet cuff protects wrist and forearm.
GAL Polar-Flex Gloves XL